Participants' Biographies

Click on each person's name to be taken to a page with his or her biography.

Kirtley, Jane - Co-curator

Mazer, Roslyn - Co-curator


Bagley, Pat (for Bagley's cartoons, click here)

Belmas, Genelle

Bok, Chip 

Breen, Steve

Carstens, Courtney

Dell'Orto, Giovanna

Freeman, George

Kahn, Michael

Khanduri, Ritu

McClennen, Sophia

Niehoff, Len

Ohman, Jack

Peters, Jonathan

Peters, Mike

Pett, Joel (for Pett's cartoons, click here)

Pritchard, Andrew

Rogers, V. Cullum  (for Roger's cartoons, click here)

Sack, Steve (for Sack's cartoons, click here)

Salkin, Erica R

Sargent, Ben (for Sargent's cartoons, click here)

Telnaes, Ann (for Telnaes' cartoons, click here)

Vanacker, Bastiaan

Wilkinson, Signe (for Wilkinson's cartoons, click here)

Wuerker, Matt (for Wuerker's cartoons, click here)